Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Day Thirteen

5 famous attractive guys.

Okay, I'll admit it.  My "celebrity crushes" are.....

1. James Marsden.  AKA  Prince Edward. (from Enchanted)

2.  David Boreanaz.  AKA Agent Boothe (from Bones)

3.  Chad Michael Murray.  AKA Lucas Scott (from One Tree Hill)

4. Channing Tatum.  AKA John (from Dear John)

5. Matthew Fox.  AKA Jack (from LOST)

So there ya go!  I did it!  And for good measure, here's number one!

Brock S. Taylor.  Will probably be famous some day ;)


  1. *drool* Not a bad list here, Aubs! James Marsden and Channing Tatum are my faves.

  2. You left out Brad Pitt. Unacceptable Aubs. Unacceptable.
