Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Carson Brock Taylor

My due date was December 4th, but I had developed some too-high hopes of having the baby by Thanksgiving, so that Scott & Martha (who were in town that week) would be able to meet him. Every night that week, I went to bed slightly put out and upset that I didn't have the baby. Saturday morning, the Taylors headed back to Colorado, and I decided it was time to change my attitude. I was wanting the baby two weeks earlier than he was supposed to come, so it was silly to expect such results. I was reminded of some counsel I had heard to "do whatever we can to be happy NOW, despite your situation." So I changed my attitude and decided to be as happy as possible for the rest of my pregnancy. I took belly pictures, went to the Aggie Football game, relaxed with Brock, and went to bed less upset than I had for the past week and a half. Apparently, that's what Heavenly Father wanted me to learn... Or Carson just wanted me to be able to see the Aggies dominate their final home game ha ha ha :)

 Brock was doing homework Saturday night until about 1:45 AM. Poor kid got NO sleep. One hour later, I felt something that woke me up with a start. I shook Brock's arm and said, "Babe, I don't think I just peed..." He was so groggy and obviously confused by my weird statement, and replied, "What???" And then there was a GUSH!!! And my water broke with full force!!! So I jumped out of bed, and we frantically got things ready, sent texts to the grandparents-to-be, and headed over to the hospital at 3:30 in morning! Pretty sure we left behind a nice trail of amniotic fluid hahaha.

 When we got there, the nurses were thinking it was going to be a loooong day because even though my water was broken, I had not progressed much at all toward active labor. So for a few hours we just relaxed, watched The Office, and monitored the baby as I had contractions. Around 8 AM they put me on an epidural and started pitocin to speed up the labor process... She still predicted he wouldn't be born until between 5 and 9 PM... but, well, the pitocin worked!! I started dilating SUPER fast and about 3 1/2 hours later it was time to start pushing! We did have to be careful because the cord was wrapped around his neck, and with every contraction his heart rate dropped significantly. Thankfully, it would go right back up as soon as the contraction stopped. He was fighting hard! And we were saying many prayers that everything would be okay. Anyway, the nurse predicted a long pushing time since I had the epidural (numb as can be) and it was my first baby. Wrong again! I only pushed for half an hour and the little man was HERE!

 The on-call doctor came straight from Sacrament meeting to deliver Carson. He walked in the room in his suit and tie, ready to go! It was pretty funny. He hurried and put on the cape/gloves/etc. and at 1:06 PM my little man was born!

 He was 7 lb 3 oz, 19.5 inches long, and the most beautiful thing I had ever laid my eyes on. They placed him in my arms and I began sobbing as I held my little miracle close. Straight from heaven... it was the most incredible moment of my life. I am so in love with our son!

 We had a 48 hour stay at the hospital. This gave us some time to get to know our baby and figure out how to take care of him. I hardly ever put him down; it is just the most precious feeling in the world to snuggle with your newborn baby! And the hospital took good care of us, and Tuesday afternoon it was time to head home! We got packed up, and checked out, and once again I was overwhelmed with emotion as I felt the gratitude for my wonderful blessings as we drove home.

 I cannot believe how blessed I am. All the stress, emotions, pain, and tears of the past year became 100% worth it the moment I held my child in my arms. And as we drove home, I fell in love even more with my amazing husband and my incredible baby boy. I was so humbled and overcome with joy. I have the most incredible life and I am so beyond grateful for my many wonderful blessings. I have been a mother for 3 days, and I have loved all of it! I am so so so so blessed!