Sunday, September 4, 2011

Love Yourself.

Here's a perspective to consider, and some quick words of wisdom to ponder on.

We all work so hard to love others; to have compassion on them; to forgive them.  Why?  Because they are all children of God and have their own challenges and deserve to be respected and loved.  That compassion and charity is a great thing to strive for.  Now, have you ever turned that around to yourself?  You are a child of God.  You have trials and challenges every day, and you are not perfect.  Do you respect and love yourself?  Do you forgive yourself when you make mistakes?  Do you look past your flaws, your extra few pounds, your occasional mood swings, your dirty dishes in the sink, your less-than-perfect grades, your split ends in your hair that you just keep putting in a bun, your freezer/box dinners that you didn't have time to make fancy, your impossibly high-set expectations of yourself that you just don't fulfill....  Do you look past all that and see the beautiful person inside that is just trying to do the best he/she can?  You deserve to be happy.  You deserve to slow down and enjoy the blessings of life.  You are NOT expected to be perfect.  Sit down and relax, and remember what's most important to you.  Just as you constantly strive to love your neighbor, love yourself.  Exactly the way you are!

Happy Sunday!


  1. You are such an inspiration... just thought you should know. ;) Love you Aubs!
